Elena has published two books:

  1. Change-maker’s Handbook: Everything you need to know to create meaningful impact through business (2023) distills 20 years of Elena’s research and practice. See Kirkus review.

  2. A memoir; Elena was the ghost author. A 2017 Best Book Awards finalist praised by HuffPost, AfterEllen, Advocate, Culturalist, Brit & Co, BuzzFeed, and more.

  3. Brown, a novel (literary historical fiction) set between pre-statehood Hawaii and modern-day California and based on the life of a Puerto Rican woman born in 1932 in Hawaii and living, at eighty-six, in San Francisco Bay Area; a woman who raised eleven children and fueled the labor movement. Brown offers a raw, first-person, real-time account of three lives across a combined span of eighty years starting in 1938. With both heart and humor, each of Brown’s three female protagonists reaches for a better life against the odds of poverty, war, violence, racism, sexism, and involuntary motherhood. When the readers realize that unfolding before them is one lifetime torn into three by defiance, Brown challenges our notions of identity, the cost of perseverance, and the power of decisions to change who we are.

 Elena has also served as the Editor-in-Chief of two niche magazines (neither currently in print).